Saturday, November 26, 2011

No Wheels

When I was in high school, I took Driver's Ed like most students. Driver's training wasn't offered, of course, and I didn't have money to pay for it. I got my pink slip like everyone else...but secretly, wasn't thrilled with the idea of driving. How do you say that? I mean, EVERYBODY wants to drive in high school, right?'s like the gateway to independence, right?

But secretly, I didn't... I was scared. What if I hit somebody? What if they hit me? What if I injure or kill them? What if someone else injures or kills me? None of my FRIENDS were worried about these things, and if they were...I didn't know about it. Long tory short...I'm in my thirties now, and still don't drive. My family always said (as long as I can remember)that cars were too much trouble. My dad told me that as soon as I got a car... all I would do is pour money into it. I think he was right. Ever since I got that pink slip at fifteen...I've needed money I didn't have... driver's training, insurance payments, car payments, repairs and gas, smog checks, tags...

Oh, wait a minute...I don't drive...that's right! So, none of the above applies to me. I've always been bothered by this...I guess it's because gaining that "independence" of having a car wasn't just a "normal" part of my life like all my friends. But not everybody drives, and in some places, it's actually encouraged that people don't have cars. Hmmmm-- maybe there's more freedom to NOT driving than I realize. I thought I'd look into it a little and put some of my thoughts down... but if you don't drive, I'd like to know your thoughts. If you ENJOY not having a car... I'd love to hear about it. Let me know... what do you think?

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